Business Challenge

The municipal corporation faced the challenge of having limited access to real-time data insights and analytics, hindering their ability to monitor and optimize urban infrastructure and services effectively. Inefficient utilization of resources and digital infrastructure resulted in operational inefficiencies and suboptimal service delivery across various municipal functions.

Our Solution

This municipal corporation was committed to fostering sustainable development and leveraging technology for the betterment of its citizens. We therefore decided to harness the power of IoT to improve service delivery, enhance public safety, and create more efficient urban environments.


Smart Waste Management

We implemented IoT-enabled waste management solutions to optimize waste collection routes, monitor bin fill levels, and improve waste management efficiency.

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Intelligent Traffic Management

Deployment of IoT sensors and traffic monitoring systems to analyze traffic patterns, optimize signal timings, and alleviate congestion in key traffic corridors.

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Public Safety Monitoring

Installation of IoT-based surveillance cameras and smart sensors in public spaces to monitor crowd density, detect unusual activities, and enhance public safety and security.

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Environmental Monitoring

Integration of IoT sensors to monitor air quality, noise levels, and environmental parameters, enabling proactive measures to mitigate pollution and promote environmental sustainability.

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The implementation of our IoT solutions helped the municipal corporation’s smart city plan launch and paved the way for bigger implementations and more complex solutions implementation in the future.


Improved Public Safety

Improved public safety and security through real-time monitoring and response mechanisms saw a 40% reduction in crime rates and improved emergency response times.


Sustainable Urban Development

Promotion of environmental sustainability and conservation initiatives, with a 25% reduction in carbon emissions and improved air quality indices was registered.


Citizen Satisfaction

The first launch and pilot project was extremely successful with 80% of residents reporting improved service delivery and urban amenities as reflected in surveys and feedback.


Our partnership with the municipal corporation exemplifies our commitment to delivering innovative IoT solutions that drive sustainable urban development and improve the quality of life in smart cities. By leveraging IoT technologies, we have empowered the municipal corporation to optimize urban infrastructure, enhance public safety, and promote environmental sustainability as part of their smart city plans. As urbanization continues to accelerate, we remain dedicated to supporting our clients' vision of creating smarter, safer, and more sustainable cities for their citizens.