Business Challenge

The primary challenge was to enhance the restaurant’s digital visibility amidst a competitive culinary landscape. Their online footprint faltered, obscured by low search engine rankings and lower digital outreach. With fewer people making visits by the day, the impact was severe on the business's sales and other critical metrics.

Our Solution

Harnessing targeted SEO tactics, we took a multifaceted approach to invigorate the restaurant chain's digital presence and beckon gourmets to savor their delectable offerings.


Keywords Implementation

Business-related keywords were identified and activities were carried out to elevate their online ranking and secure prime real estate on search engine results pages.

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On-Page SEO Changes

A meticulous plan of possible on-page revisions was prepared and implemented for a surge in organic search visibility, ensuring their culinary brilliance was communicated.

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Local SEO Activities

Local SEO strategies helped amplify local search visibility by an impressive 50%, with Google My Business listings witnessing a 20% uptick in engagement.

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Content Optimization

New content about the restaurant chain and its offerings was uploaded and existing content was optimized as per the attest trends in the speciality food category.

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After six months of rigorous SEO efforts, the brand was finally able to see promising results with more visits to the restaurant.


Organic Search Traffic:

A 50% surge in organic search traffic within a total of six months was observed, catapulting the restaurant chain into the digital spotlight.


Targeted Keywords:

76% of targeted keywords ranked on the first page, accentuating the brand's digital presence.


Increase in Website Visits:

An unparalleled 43% spike was observed in website visits, affirming the restaurant chain's newfound digital eminence.


In the epic saga of culinary conquest, our partnership with the restaurant chain was a success, propelling their digital reinvention and driving the right eyeballs to their gastronomic brilliance. We remain steadfast in our commitment to keep this restaurant ranked amongst the most esteemed food chains in the region. We continue to push the pedal on their SEO efforts to help them take their offerings to many more across the region and ultimately, to the world.