Business Challenge

Outdated UI/UX resulted in poor user experience and low patient satisfaction. They wanted to upgrade it but without hiring full-time resources for this one-time project. However, they faced difficulty sourcing and hiring skilled front-end developers with UI/UX design and development expertise. They were looking for experts that could help them differentiate themselves from competitors by offering innovative and user-centric digital experiences.

Our Solution

Within a week of connecting with the client, we provided them with several profiles that could qualify for the project and provide a seamless and intuitive UI/UX in their digital platforms and applications. We were in constant touch with their talent acquisition team to streamline their front-end hiring process and onboard top-tier talent specialized in UI/UX design and development.


Skill Assessment and Screening

We conducted rigorous skill assessment and screening processes to evaluate the shortlisted candidates' proficiency in UI/UX principles, tools, and technologies.

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Customized Recruitment Process

We carried out a customized recruitment process tailored to the healthcare brand's unique UI/UX requirements, including technical assessments and portfolio reviews.

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Seamless Onboarding

Once their team had conducted interviews and finalised the three required resources, we assisted with seamless onboarding and integration of the hired front-end developers into the healthcare brand's existing teams, ensuring alignment with project objectives.

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Ongoing Support and Training

We continue to monitor their performance and provide support and training for onboarded front-end developers to enhance their skills and capabilities in UI/UX design and development.

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The implementation of our front-end hiring solutions significantly improved their user interface and experience. They further extended the project to revamp the UI/UX of their product as well


Increase in Online Activity

Revitalized and user-centric UI/UX design on the platform led to a 40% increase in online activity and patient engagement.


Time Efficiency

Working with our front-end designers and developers helped the company save time extensively as they managed to complete the project within a month as compared to the three-month timeline they received from other staff augmentation companies.


Cost Saving

Our hiring solutions also helped them save costs by as much as 33% and complete the project with just three resources.


Our collaboration with the healthcare company exemplifies our commitment to delivering hiring solutions that transform UI/UX experiences and drive patient engagement in the healthcare industry. By leveraging our expertise in talent acquisition and UI/UX design, we have empowered the company to enhance its digital presence, differentiate from competitors, and deliver exceptional patient experiences.